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  • Going on Vacation This Summer? Here’s What to do With Your HVAC System

Going on Vacation This Summer? Here’s What to do With Your HVAC System

Did you know that most Americans hit their favorite summer vacation spots in the month of July? A consumer insights survey discovered that 42% of its participants had planned trips for then — with June and August clocking in at the second and third most favored months for travel (24% and 21%, respectively).

Whether you’re headed to the shore or somewhere cooler to escape the heat, the fact is: an unoccupied home can present an urge to shut your air conditioning off altogether. Besides — who wants to rack up the expense of cooling an empty home while you’re supposed to be enjoying time on the beach or relaxing at the lake house?

Though it might sound thrifty, doing so is not typically recommended.

Shutting your AC off entirely — especially depending on the type of climate you live in — opens your home up to a host of issues induced by excess humidity and condensation build up. Instead, making more minor adjustments to your thermostat settings are ideal. 

The United States Department of Energy suggests keeping your home a bit warmer than usual when you’re away. For both convenience and energy-saving purposes, consider installing a programmable thermostat that will allow you to determine a pre-set schedule that your system can follow automatically, and even continue to follow when you’re not home. And this way, indoor temperatures can be set and regulate to a more normal, comfortable temperature by the time you return!

For further guidance on best practices with your current heating and cooling system, or interest in upgrading the efficiency of your equipment — the National Energy Improvement Fund (NEIF) offers an online Contractor Search tool, containing 1,700-plus contractors nationwide vetted for top-notch service and integrity.

Happy vacationing!